Language test 1 + answers

TEST 1 20 points A Give the correct tense of the words in brackets 4 points 1 She to buy a new pair of shoes a month ago 2 If I had a car I to take you for a drive in it 3 While they to wait for the bus yesterday it to begin to rain 4 We must take our television to the repair shop last week because it needed to repair 5 After she to have her bath yesterday evening she to make herself a cup of coffee B Find the questions to which the words underlined are the answers 3 points s 1 He was only three years old when he started school 2 They didnt do all the exercises because they didnt have time 3 Yes I would like to go to university C Join the following pairs of sentences using the words given 3 points 1 He doesnt paint He doesnt draw Neither nor 2 I finished washing the glasses Everybody decided to have some more tea No sooner 3 He tried to play till the end of the match He had injured his knee Although D Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the words given 6 points 1 Who is going to take you home After the party he asked Nezha 2 The weather wont improve for another three days Yesterday evening they announced 3 Stop playing and do some work His mother told him 4 They gave him a gold watch when he retired He 5 They arent going to televise the match next Saturday The match 6 They will have to study these texts before the exam These texts E Complete the following sentences 2 points 1 Youll come to the cinema with me you 2 He doesnt really want to get married yet he 3 I have finished my homework So my friends 4 Mohammed doesnt like maths Nor his brothers F Fill the blanks in the following sentences supplying the correct form of the words in brackets 2 points 1 January 2014 was much January 2015 Cold 2 Lake Superior is lake in the world Large 3 Prevention is cure Good 4 Pauline Masters was one of people in the world Short wwwmyteachernabilcom
KEY ANSWERS TO TEST 1 A 1 She bought a new pair of shoes a month ago 2 If I had a car I would take you for a drive in it 3 While they were waiting for the bus yesterday it began to rain 4We had to take our television to the repair shop last week because it needed repairing to be repaired 5 After she had her bath yesterday evening she made herself a cup of coffee B 1 How old was he when he started school What age was he when 2 Why didnt they do all the exercises 3 Would you like to go to university C 1 He neither paints nor draws 2 No sooner had I finished I had no sooner finished washing the glasses than everybody decided to have some more tea 3 He tried to play till the end of the match although he had injured his knee Although he had injured his knee he tried to play till the end of the match D I After the party he asked Nezha who was going to take her home 2 Yesterday evening they announced that the weather wasnt going to improve for another three days 3 His mother told him to stop playing and to do some work 4 He was given a gold watch when he retired 5 The match isnt going to be televised next Saturday 6 These texts will have to be studied before the exam E I Youll come to the cinema with me wont you 2 He doesnt really want to get married yet does he 3 I have just finished my homework So have my friends 4 Mohammed doesnt like maths Nor do his brothers F 1 January 1985 was much colder than January 1984 2 Lake Superior is the largest lake in the world 3 Prevention is better than cure 4 Pauline Masters was one of the shortest people in the world wwwmyteachernabilcom


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Language test 1 will give you the ability to practice the very important elements in language .Key answers are included . Elements of this test : Verb tense. Forming questions. Linking words. Reported speech . Passive . Tag questions. Comparative / Superlative.
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language test answers
language test answers bacdoc bac doc dok document cours bacalaureat bacalauréat baccalauréat bacalauréat bacalaureat baccalauréa baccalaurea maroc باك دوك باكدوك دروس بكالوريا باكلوريا باكالوريا المغرب 2014 2015 2016