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the link of one of the courses is not working

https://www.bacdoc.ma/document/112-questions-réponses-economie-générale-statistique-bac-science-economie-techniques-gestion-comptabilité they show me a not valid message. could u please solve the problem soon and thanks for this helpful website.: how are u doing man when i want to download this cours
الثانية باكالوريا.

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the link one courses not working https www bacdoc document 112 questions réponses economie générale statistique bac science techniques gestion comptabilité they show valid message could please solve problem soon and thanks for this helpful website how are doing man when want download cours bacdoc bac doc dok document cours bacalaureat bacalauréat baccalauréat bacalauréat bacalaureat baccalauréa baccalaurea maroc باك دوك باكدوك دروس بكالوريا باكلوريا باكالوريا المغرب 2014 2015 2016